“Vertisee has been an extremely useful tool in compiling all of our data into a user-friendly and intuitive interface for analysis and planning purposes. It provides a single source for up-to-date asset inventory and management information, as well as a holistic view of our operating environment at Parks Canada. It has been instrumental in the delivery of numerous capital projects and asset inspection programs.”

Project Engineer, Highway Engineering Services, Parks Canada

“McElhanney’s Vertisee and Vertisee crowdsource tools have been invaluable to our projects and our clients. They enable fun and easy sourcing of spatial and qualitative input from the public, stakeholders and clients and promote an effective online discussion between engagement participants. The input is essential to our co-creation and design projects. The platform runs reliably, and McElhanney’s GIS team are fantastic to work with – timely, professional and reliable.”

Senior Associate, RC Strategies, Edmonton

“I spent some time familiarizing myself with Vertisee. Pretty cool and very user friendly, and great to finally see this information become centralized. It will be interesting to see the layers grow and the connection possibilities once all mapping information has been added.”

Director of Recreation Services at District of Mackenzie

“A secure internal GIS web portal (Vertisee) provides interactive views of the utilities composite map. The ability to visualize the utility systems improved communications in project teams and added institutional capacity to quantify needs for long term capital planning.”

“Requests from project managers for utilities information that in the past took up to 3 days, now takes a matter of seconds to compile. Through ViewSFU (GIS site) and Vertisee (GIS web portal), custom queries that required filtering and asset ID search would have required up to 3 hours, are now completed in less than 5 minutes.”


Development Manager, Planning Support, Simon Fraser University