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Campus Events & Information Sessions

Coming to a campus near you!

Southern Alberta Institute Of Technology (SAIT)
September 28, 2023

University of Calgary – Civil Engineering
October 17, 2023

University of Victoria
October 18, 2023

Camosun College
October 19, 2023 

University of Calgary – Geomatics Engineering
October 20, 2023

University of British Columbia (UBC)
October 23, 2023

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
October 24, 2023

University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBC-O)
October 26, 2023

Lethbridge College – Geomatics
Surveying and Geospatial Engineering Technology Open House
November 3, 2023

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Geomatics Career Fair

November 8, 2023

University of New Brunswick – Civil and Geomatics
November 16, 2023


Co-op and new graduate opportunities

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Geomatics engineering co-op & new graduate opportunities
Civil Engineering co-op & new graduate opportunities
McElhanney co-ops

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McElhanney offers scholarships to empower young professionals. Click here to learn more about our scholarships and when you can apply. 

About M-POWER Scholarships

Why McElhanney?

Best Managed Companies Platinum Logo

Inclusive culture

We’ll provide the tools necessary for you to do your best work, while cultivating an inclusive and respectful workplace.

As a McElhanney employee you can expect a competitive salary, performance bonuses, great benefits, and an opportunity for qualified staff to become company shareholders.

Our core values define us.

We care about each other, our clients, and our communities. We are driven by our grit, passion, and perseverance. We rally behind safety and respect for all. We own it!

Turn your passion into action.

McElhanney employees are passionate about Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI), supporting women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) roles, supporting Young Professionals (YPs), and more. We have over 20 programs and committees you can join to help convert your passion into action.

Want to learn more about McElhanney’s culture, values, and committees?

Click to learn more
Jayden Roch, EIT – Junior Civil Engineer

In the 4 months of my co-op term with McElhanney I gained experience in many project phases, such as proposals, preliminary design, detailed design, tendering, and post-construction. As a member of the bridge team, I concentrated on projects involving standard bridges and bridge-sized culverts. One project that stood out to me during my time here was designing an emergency bridge-sized culvert replacement where the existing culvert had failed and caused a sinkhole to form in the roadway. This project had several design constraints, but with guidance from my team lead, I was able to successfully design the culvert with innovative solutions to address the constraints within the given timeframe, while enhancing my skills in problem-solving, technical writing, and communication.

Overall, my experience during my time at McElhanney was a very positive one. My colleagues were extremely supportive, their willingness to teach and support me made me feel comfortable asking questions when I needed clarification or guidance, I was provided with the tools I needed to succeed, and I was given the opportunity to work on many different projects and project phases.

I would encourage students to pursue a career with McElhanney because they provide a safe, supportive, welcoming, and fun environment to learn and grow your career.

Sebastien Charron, Engineering Technologist – Co-op Student

“After an amazing 8-month work term last year, I couldn’t wait to come back to McElhanney for another 4 months for my summer term. I was fortunate enough to work on both Infrastructure and Transportation Planning projects last year, which gave me the opportunity to learn more about geometric design, construction management, and traffic modelling. I worked on various road rehabilitation and improvement projects throughout the Edmonton area, which allowed me to develop important skills both on site and in the office, such as site coordination, quantity estimation, and report writing.

This year I have moved into the Highways Division, where I am performing various types of technical assessments along highways throughout northern Alberta. This is a new challenge for me and there’s been a lot to learn, however, the support from my colleagues and supervisors has made the transition easy to handle.

The main similarity I have found while working alongside these three branches of the Edmonton office is the quality people I’ve gotten to work with. Not only are they all talented at their jobs, but there is a passion for teaching, and everyone is willing to share what they know to help improve the work of others. It is refreshing to me to know that when facing a new challenge, there is always someone around with relevant experience and knowledge ready to help if needed. I am amazed with the variety of projects and aspects of engineering I have been able to experience within the short time I’ve spent at McElhanney, and I’m excited to see what opportunities await me in the future.”

– Dustin Large, Division Manager

“I went to the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology (now Saskatchewan Polytechnic) for Computer Aided Drafting and Design and was hired with McElhanney’s co-op program for my 2nd and 3rd work term. At the end of my 3rd co-op term, I was offered a full-time position with McElhanney’s CAD department. I started my career as a draftsperson, then project coordinator, I moved onto Business Development, and then in 2021 I was hired as Pipeline Development Division Manager. Throughout the years, McElhanney has not only allowed me to take my career in different directions but provided me with education and professional development opportunities in leadership, management skills, and business development.”

Opportunities to grow

Pave your path

As a McElhanney employee, you have access to industry leading technology, comprehensive safety training, and tuition support for bootcamps, workshops, conferences, and more.

Find your mentor

Our mentorship program connects experienced employees with staff who are at an early or emerging career stage. These highly tailored partnerships are built on trust, guidance, knowledge transfer, confidentiality, and ongoing support.

In BC? Fast-track your PEng

McElhanney is a member of Engineers & Geoscientists of British Columbia’s Accredited Employer Program. As an engineer-in-training (EIT) with McElhanney, your PEng application can be fast-tracked, giving you the opportunity to receive your PEng designation faster than the general application route.

Want to learn more about career growth opportunities at McElhanney?

Click to learn more

We support students


We want to give you your best chance at success. Our scholarship program is for students who are committed to their community, technical discipline, and professional development. In addition to receiving financial assistance to support your education, if you are selected for a McElhanney scholarship, you get have the opportunity to interview for a summer co-op position at your local branch. These opportunities often lead to full-time careers with us!

Learn more about scholarships


Our co-op students apply what they’ve learned in school, witness how a project transitions from design to construction, and gain access to multidisciplinary professionals who have decades of experience, and plenty of lessons learned to share.

Learn more about co-ops

Student testimonials

Punya Arora, University of British Columbia (UBC)

With my co-op term at McElhanney coming to an end, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone that I have worked with or had the pleasure of getting to know over the last 8 months.

From the start, the company’s innovative and inclusive culture resonated with me. I have had the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from members of my Traffic and Road Safety Team, but also members of teams in different offices and disciplines. Because teamwork and sharing knowledge is encouraged at McElhanney, I feel I have a diverse professional network to ask questions and share ideas.

Being involved with McElhanney’s Young Professionals group allowed me to connect and form new friendships with people that are or recently have been in the same shoes as me. I attended several networking, social, and athletic events that helped “break the ice” and create an even more comfortable work environment while expanding my network further.

My first project with the Traffic & Road Safety team was to assist with the traffic analysis for the Halston Bridge Lane Closure which pushed my boundaries and helped me build my technical analysis abilities. We provided the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) the expected traffic operations impact (such as level of service, queue lengths, and delays) during the construction period. It was gratifying to see the end result as the actual conditions during construction matched our models.

After 8 months, I feel confident tackling some projects from start to finish, with periodic questions and clarifications from my project manager. Most recently, I completed the analysis, figures, and majority of the report for a Traffic Impact Assessment for a new multi-family development in Comox, BC.

I highly recommend McElhanney to students looking for a placement where you will feel comfortable pushing your boundaries, collaborating across disciplines, and having a blast doing it!

Nicole Gamm, University of Victoria

During my co-op at McElhanney, I gained extremely valuable work experience that I will carry with me into the final year of my degree and into my future career. Through each project, my coworkers have supported and encouraged me as I worked on challenging assignments. For coop students who are eager to learn, are ready for a challenge, and want to step outside their comfort zones, McElhanney is the perfect place. The people at this company are also wonderful and it is a fun place to work.

A day in the life of a McElhanney Co-Op Student.

Local everywhere in western Canada

Are you looking to start your career in a big city, small town, or something in-between? We have a branch for you.

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