Pressure Reducing Valve Station Replacements
2023-2024 | Surrey, BC
The City of Surrey (the City) was looking to replace Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) stations at four locations across the City. The current PRVs at these locations were aging and below ground. Access for maintenance required confined space entry, which is hazardous and costly.
To replace their aging infrastructure and eliminate confined space concerns, the City decided to replace these four PRV stations with PRV systems housed in above-ground kiosks.
PRV Station Safety Considerations
To give the City options, McElhanney prepared designs for two above-ground kiosks and two below-ground kiosks. Knowing that below-ground PRV stations present safe access concerns, McElhanney included safety improvements the City could implement if they chose a below-ground design; staircases, large hatches, and increased ventilation eliminated the confined space classification for those chambers.
PRV Station Details
McElhanney’s expertise with PRVs allowed for a complete design. Consideration was given to all aspects of the design:
- Pipe material and gauge
- Air management
- Drainage inside and around the stations
- Vehicle access
- Personnel access
- Operating and test pressure
- Constructability and commissioning sequence
- Instrumentation and communication
- Thrust
- Site lines
- Landscaping
McElhanney Provided:
- Surveying
- Geotechnical engineering
- Civil/Mechanical engineering
- Contract Administration
- Construction field reviews
- Project Management