City of Fernie Development Approvals Enhancement
The City’s development approval enhancement project created a more efficient, transparent, and responsive development approval system.
The City’s development approval enhancement project created a more efficient, transparent, and responsive development approval system.
Smithers maintained a strong mountain town identity and sense of place, and wanted future growth to be managed by an OCP that respected community values.
In the face of that seasonal population growth, the Village of Tahsis recognized that an updated Official Community Plan (OCP) was needed.
Port McNeill recognized that an updated Official Community Plan (OCP) would establish guidelines for the future of the community.
McElhanney supports small and medium-sized municipalities by providing planning services so that they are ready for development.
The Town of Olds engaged McElhanney to complete a Housing Needs Assessment to examine and present housing needs within the municipality.
To accommodate community growth, the Town of Ponoka engaged McElhanney to lead a review of their Municipal Development Plan in mid-2022.
The Yaq̓it ʔa·knuqǂiʔit (Tobacco Plains) First Nation wished to create and implement a land use plan to meet the needs of its people.
Integrating a Transportation Master Plan with an Urban Framework Master Plan opened the door for multiple improvements to be made in tandem.
McElhanney’s province-wide presence and knowledge of local requirements offered a blend of expertise and familiarity that supported project success.