
Update from CEO – McElhanney’s COVID-19 Response

Dear McElhanney Clients, Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, prioritizing the health and safety of staff, clients, and communities has been McElhanney’s core focus, while continuing to deliver to you, our valued clients. As economies and communities begin to reopen, we are committed to staying vigilant to our core focus while implementing additional procedures that will…

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How McElhanney and the Town of Canmore turned a lack of traffic into a project win

While COVID-19 has disrupted infrastructure projects across the country and the world, our Canmore branch’s foresight and planning, combined with a reduction in traffic as a result of social distancing and non-essential travel, has allowed one project to realize new opportunities. Survey crews were busy working on the Town of Canmore’s 2020 Transportation Improvement Projects…

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Update from CEO –McElhanney’s COVID-19 Related Response

Since early March, McElhanney has continued to monitor, respond, and adapt to COVID-19. We have nimbly adjusted operations to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our team members while keeping our deliverables and commitment to you – our clients, partners, and communities – paramount. We are hopeful in learning that the curve is flattening…

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McElhanney's Think Safey Logo

McElhanney’s Response to COVID-19

Dear McElhanney clients, I am reaching out to you to share McElhanney’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation is ever evolving and requires quick action, confidence, and care so we can get through this together and do our part to control the spread of this virus in the shortest time possible. We have two…

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