Exciting Wins for McElhanney – An Eventful Evening at the ACEC-BC Awards

Last night was a big one for McElhanney at the annual Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of BC (ACEC-BC) Gala. Recognizing outstanding accomplishments across BC’s consulting engineering community, the ACEC-BC Awards for Engineering Excellence are classified under seven categories. This year, McElhanney entered projects under two of them: Transportation & Bridges and Soft Engineering. To…

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CEA Gala Attendees

The McElhanney Cares Program Wins at the CEA Awards!

Published: March 22, 2023 Whether it’s supporting an athlete sponsor, providing a long-standing community lunch, or donating work-in-kind for a community hockey rink – there is no doubt that McElhanney cares for our community. And now, our efforts are recognized by the Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA) as we take home the Award of Excellence…

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McElhanney is one of BC’s Top Employers for 2023

Published: February 14, 2023 We’re excited to announce that McElhanney has been honoured as one of BC’s Top Employers for 2023. BC’s Top Employers is an annual competition organized by Canada’s Top 100 Employers – a designation McElhanney was recognized for in November 2022. The BC’s Top Employers list recognizes the British Columbia-based employers that…

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McElhanney earns Top 100 employer award

McElhanney is now one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers!

It’s time to celebrate – McElhanney has officially made the list of Canada’s Top 100 Employers for 2023! Every year, Canada’s Top 100 Employers are announced via The Globe and Mail. Now in its 23rd year, this national competition seeks to determine which employers lead their industries in offering exceptional workplaces for their employees. We…

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McElhanney Best Managed Companies

McElhanney Requalifies as a Gold Standard Best Managed Company!

Pop that bubbly and pump those fists – McElhanney has officially requalified as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies! Awarded by Deloitte, the Best Managed Companies program recognizes excellence in private Canadian-owned companies. This designation is a badge we wear with gusto and to reach Gold Standard, winners must successfully maintain their Best Managed status…

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Stacey Lee, APMP 40 Under 40

Stacey Lee, Proposals Division Manager, Recognized as an APMP 40 Under 40 Winner

McElhanney’s Proposal Division Manager, Stacey Lee, is top of her class, winning a 2021 40 Under 40 award! APMP – The Association of Record for Bid, Proposal, Business Development, Capture and Graphics Professionals – is an international association for proposal professionals in every part of the business lifecycle, offering accreditations and membership support to those…

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