Technology Leads the Way at McElhanney

Rod Schatz technology

Published: September 30, 2021

McElhanney has been in business for 111 years – that’s a long time! But we haven’t gotten to where we are today without staying on top (and ahead of) the latest technology.

Thought leader, author, and our Vice President of Technology, Rod Schatz recently sat down with Toggle Magazine to discuss the company’s approach to technology.

Rod shares how McElhanney navigated the early days of the pandemic while monitoring employee health and safety through an automated wellness app. Developed in-house in record time, the wellness app let staff feel safer and more connected to the workplace. The app, which is completed by employees each morning, tracks who is in the office and when, should a positive COVID-19 case be identified. Currently, 95% of staff use the app on a daily basis.

In addition to sharing how McElhanney has adapted to better support our employees during the past two years, he also discusses plans to improve technology for clients, and how improvements in technology continue to shift our industry. Rod comments, “if we can analyze and convert raw data into refined data with speed and scale, we will begin to touch niche markets while improving service in our current markets.”

As opportunities within our technology and automation teams continue to grow, we are proud to have Rod steering our technology into the future.

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