Autonomous LiDAR Drone for Tunnel Inspection: Mapping the Unknown

Inside a mountain in the Kitimat Ranges on BC’s northwest coast is a 475-metre long, 8-metre wide “tailrace” tunnel that transports the outflow water from the hydroelectric generation station in the mountain. The client, Rio Tinto, required a detailed interior survey of the tunnel for ongoing maintenance purposes and the tailrace could not be shut down for inspection. McElhanney provided bathymetric survey expertise to launch an autonomous drone mission that captured 3D scans of the tunnel interior to provide the client with the high-definition data they required for the structure.

Stoney Trail Network and Crossings Review

During Phase 1 of this project, a network planning study was conducted to recommend the location(s) of future east-west flyovers over the Calgary Ring Road (Stoney Trail). With continued growth in and adjacent to northeast Calgary, additional travel corridors across Stoney Trail needed to be identified and planned in order to provide connectivity to new residential and commercial communities east of Stoney Trail.