Pine Pass and South Peace Floods

Following severe rain in June 2011, Hwy 97 experienced floods between Pine Pass and 20km south of Chetwynd (a length of 60km), with 73 damaged sites. This flooding resulted in the loss of culverts and bridge end fills, and washouts along various portions of the highway, forcing closure of this vital route.

Water Management for the Salmon River Dam Decommissioning

During the summer of 2017, BC Hydro’s 60-year old creosote timber dam was completely removed from the Salmon River on Vancouver Island, and the site was re-naturalized. McElhanney designed bypass channels, cofferdams, and river diversion works to use as small a footprint as possible in this narrow and hectic worksite.

Engineering Survey of the Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch

McElhanney provided surveying services to aid renovations at the library. The objective of the survey was to identify a precise location for a temporary concrete platform supporting a multi-storey crane, and to identify positions to underpin and support the load of the crane and platform.

Pattullo Bridge Deck Rehabilitation

TransLink and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure brought on McElhanney as the prime consultant to address deck repairs and create both a traffic management plan and an operations plan. The result was comprehensive plan that allowed the bridge deck rehabilitation to be completed and re-opened ahead of schedule.

Port Mann Highway 1 Roadworks and Detour Designs

During construction, more than 120,000 vehicles drove over the Port Mann Bridge every day, ranging from commuters (travelling 80km/h) to slow-moving construction machinery. The detour designs needed to incorporate HOV lanes, cycling lanes, and dedicated bus and truck ramps, and ensure high-speed and low-speed traffic did not mix.

View Royal Sanitary Master Plan

McElhanney was hired to update View Royal’s sanitary system models to reflect current operating conditions, assess existing system conditions and service life, and prepare a capital plan list to prioritize short- and long-term upgrades.

Uplands Combined Sewer Separation

McElhanney developed six options for Upland’s separate sewer and stormwater systems with service to each residence. The District is focused on eliminating combined system overflows and reducing overall volume to the regional system.

Spirit Rock Climbing Gym

Kimberly, BC – The Spirit Rock Climbing Gym is located in Kimberly, BC. It features 6000 square feet of indoor and outdoor roped climbing, reaching heights of 50 feet and includes a 16 foot high top out bouldering area. In 2013, McElhanney provided geotechnical engineering and site reviews for the building foundation as well as structural engineering and inspection services for the climbing surfaces.

Simon Fraser University Scan to BIM

Burnaby, BC – McElhanney conducted several laser scan surveys at SFU to assist with a variety of renovation and upgrade projects. Our team of modelling technicians converted the resulting point cloud exports into 3D Building Information Models (BIM) which are used directly by the architectural project team.